Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Kitchen is funtional!!!!

So last night I christened our kitchen and was able to cook, bake, refrigerate and use running water and lights in the same location- it was fabulous!!!!! As you can see the counter tops are installed (a very easy process) and the cabinets and drawers have all been put back on. The handles are still missing, they look very tired in comparison to the new finish on the cabinets (thanks to absolute powder coating) so we are in search of refinishing the handles or finding new ones. The other accomplishments include: the faucet, garbage disposal and dishwasher are working, the fridge is going and the freezer is making ice and the stove and microwave work very well (all though the microwave has a lot of buttons I still need to figure out).
I started getting anxious last night to use the kitchen and started to turn a little psycho, but quickly recovered with a time out (aka shower) and then went to the store to buy groceries. Upon my return I cooked way too large of a meal for 8:30 at night, (steak w/onions and mushrooms, garlic bread, noodles, corn on the cob, salad w/marinated cucumbers, and brownies) but as we sat on a sleeping bag in the living room watching a M.A.S.H. marathon we enjoyed every bite. It feels so good, each day we step closer and closer to having our home take up more space than the construction zones.

I also decided to refresh the look of the blog. Let me know if you have something you liked to add to my "Have you seen" list.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

mastering the master

so the tile in the master bath is finished- YEAH! but i don't have those pics yet- so here is the tiling in progress. and what the master floor looks like.

the library

the library is just about done- the lights and fans are in- along with the floor. just waiting to hang the doors on the bathroom and the utility closet. later down the road we'll paint the brick.

In the kitchen

it's not functional yet but it's on it's way. we have our counters and appliances. we just need to install the counter tops and put the drawers and cabinet doors on and then finish hooking up the plumbing. just a couple of loose ends and we'll be cooking with appliances other than a rice cooker and a crock pot- YEAH!!!!

here's a close up on the counter top- it scared some employees at Lowe's but our neighbor josie confirmed it was a good choice- she said it was so cool. i agree.

wah wah wah

wah wah wah- you never update your blog. well I'll show you something to cry about- example one: my blood blister :

and I received said blood blister while installing (please use the Rod Rodney Price is Right voice while reading) our neeww floor!!!!!
yes we finally started the last bit of flooring in the house and here's how it went down:

example 2 of pain- the back of my knees. I used knee pads one day and they caused more harm than good. the straps ripped into my skin and caused nasty blisters. for the sake of Maggie I am very glad that I did not have the chance to install the floor before she and Dutch got married.

After two days of pain I borrowed the best tool ever from Cyndi. I highly suggest gardening kneeling pads to anyone who has to install flooring. They cushion your knees or your bum- they work anywhere you need them and they do not cause blisters.

The floor is officially finished!!! I just have to finish taking the pictures. It looks amazing and it means that all floors (except for the foyer) are complete- YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

semi live update

it's amazing- another update and it's only been a couple of weeks since the last! below is a pic of the house from February- just to see what it looks like with the windows, painted front door and snow.
(there is no snow today- just clouds and rain)

now we'll start with some pics of the kitchen/living room/dining room- the area that used to house home base. since january it's been demoed, framed, drywalled, primed and pipes for radiant heating have been installed. the subfloor is the next step, and will probably go down in the beginning of april.

below is a pic coming in the door- the left will be the kitchen, the sink will be under the smaller, higher window and counters will wrap to the right. the hall leads to the powder room and the other area will be for dining.

ignore the blur, (which will also be the title of my debut album if I ever choose to have one)
the fridge will be in front of the wall that is still open and the stove will be in the middle of the back wall.

another look, less blurry and further away (also title for follow up album)

dining area
next two pics: standing in the dining area looking at the living area

standing in the kitchen looking past the dining and into the living room

standing at the door looking at the bar area- ahh i can almost taste the guiness
looking at the door that leads out to the foyer
today the subfloor arrived for the master suite- here's how it went down.

looking into the master from the door.

looking from the other side of the room

standing in the dressing room looking into the master bath

the subfloor arrives and after deciding he will not sink in the mud the driver pulls around front

and they are still laying it as i type. so this is about as close to a live update as you can get.
hope you enjoyed it- spring is supposed to start tomorrow and the forecast tonight calls for some snow- can't @$%#in wait!!!!!