I don't have a lot of pics to upload- but hey at least it's a new post.
I will however share briefly the fact that I won two tickets to see Bon Jovi and Daughtry playing in Pittsburgh this Wednesday 3/5. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend but did pass the tickets along to our neighbors so they can enjoy the show.
How could I have won such a prize you ask? Well the local radio station B94, and Straub Brewery held a Bon Jovi karaoke contest Friday night at Lumberjack's a local bar/restaurant. I was the only female in the first round and I impressed the judges with a heart felt rendition of "Living on a Prayer". (please note- that although I did not have the teased hairstyle I did make sure to use the same hand move as Jon uses at 1:18 in the clip)It was not truly karaoke because although the music was being played there were no lyrics on any screens so I had to use my last remaining brain cells to to remember the lyrics and cleverly fill in the rest with crowd pleasing antics- such as taking audience members hands during the appropriate points in the chorus. I came in second place for that round (out of 4 contestants) and won a plastic pint glass and two tickets to paradise. And although my performance was "awesome" as Fritz told me, I'm not sure if it was worth the torture of having other Bon Jovi lyrics stuck in my head for the past two days.
The Rendezvous was this past week and we were lucky enough to have two extremely talented and nice carvers Juli and Dave stay with us. Juli carved us an apple for the house- it's gorgeous and I'll post a picture along with other house pics later this week.
As for progress on the house- we've dropped home base, framed the living room/kitchen/dining room area and are in the process of having the drywall finished. And I picked out our kitchen appliances- to be delivered sometime in April.
They'll be laying the furing strips to prepare for radiant heating soon and then the piping will be installed. We're getting closer and closer to having the big areas finished.
Pic # 1 below- The inside of home base as it was last May when we first arrived.
Pic #2 and 3 below- home base as it was being demo'd in January. Our neighbor and friend Aaron came over with a chainsaw and the walls literally came down in on one another. He was excited- he doesn't get many chances to use a chainsaw inside.
We were excited that home base was finally going down.
We were excited that home base was finally going down.
Pic #4 below: Home base finally down and removed . Although there was a lot of dust in the air, the room immediately felt lighter and happier. Home base made no sense- we do not miss it .
Pic #5 below- The rubble that remained when we removed the back wall seen in pic #4. We took down most of it to open up where the appliances and cooking area of the kitchen will be.
Pic #6 below- Obligatory self portrait with rubble mentioned in Pic #5. By the way if you ever have to demo and haul plaster know this- it's heavy.
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