Thursday, August 16, 2007

rooms are coming together

So it's been 14 days since the last post and what have we done? We finished laying laminate in the 2 guest bedrooms- and I got my first blood blister. Charles Wish's studio has officially been drywalled and primed and will have it's color by the end of today.
The new windows are in the process of installation and the second floor is almost finished. We have a bathroom!!! The downstairs studio bath has a shower, floor, sink, toilet, lighting and some really nice oak baseboard. Yes, I have to list everything because this is the first time we've had all components functioning together to create a room.
What else? The mini me roof is still a work in progress and the second floor is so close to being finished- next week should wrap it up with the tile being installed and light fixtures in place. So the infamous phase 1 should end before the month does and then it's on to phase 2 (out of 4). I've been assured that the first phase is always the biggest hurdle and then it's smoother sailing- we'll see.
New windows up top, old on the bottom. W
e were able to get down to the original wood trim- it was covered up by the old aluminum and has come out pretty easily. And can you spot our dryer vent?

1 comment:

herbette said...

More pics, more more more!
So exciting