There is continued visible progress. The roof is done and they capped the chimneys to help stop the water that has been filling our basement. We're also getting a mini me roof for our back entrance.

kicked major butt and were the only guys who weren't distracted by our

young sun bathing/car washing neighbor across the street. I am concerned, since they did not arrive in a horse and buggy and they rode in the big condor lift that their community will no longer accept them. I doubt it, but if that's the case they can stay with us. The attic sub floor has been laid so the 30 ft cathedral ceilings in our master bedroom are now ancient history. Soon there will be more confused bats flying around the roof. The downstairs studio bathroom and one guest bedroom have been painted and I'm so happy to see some finished walls and color in the house. The bedroom is painted a shade named "Antiquity" and Roger says it looks a little like puke. And Fritz chimed in with "Yeah, like the Exorcist" I disagree and it doesn't matter anyway the color is up and staying. The other bedroom is going to be a shade called "Cavern Clay" and compliments the tile and flooring quite nicely. So I went against my original instinct to keep the bedrooms a light neutral shade.

They'll start installing the new windows next week and will keep pushing along to finish Phase 1.

On a social note Cyndi threw the most fabulous party on Sat. 7/28 to introduce us to the area. It was fabulous and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I'll try and post those pics soon.
Now it's back to work!