On July 5th Roger's daughter's Brenna and Kailee rolled into town. They stayed with us until 7/20 and had a blast. Even though they didn't get any work done, child labor just isn't what it once was.
On the 5th I left for business in Nashville, and when I returned 11 days later I saw major changes.
On the 16th they started our roof. 12 guys showed up to do the job and by lunch 6 of them and left due to the height. By Thursday it started raining and we ended up with buckets trying to catch the leaks from where they had started removing the shingles. The weather has been beautiful since so we'll see what they get done tomorrow. We'll be working hard this week to finish dry wall, prime walls, lay attic sub floor, and tile floors.
Anyone within driving distance want to come out and help?????