To catch you up I'll run through a list of what we've done. But to sum it up quickly, all demo is complete on the second floor, guest bedrooms are framed and being drywalled and we're still waiting on the loan. Here are a few more details:
theresa and the dane came for a visit and helped:
unload our moving truck (all 17 ft of it)

organized all of our "stuff" so we have a comfortable living space
remove all wood from the attic
(thanks again theresa and the dane for the help)
abbi stepped on a nail
abbi got a tetanus shot
2 different very dumb birds got stuck inside our house
fritz finished the clean up and wiring in the basement
abbi mowed the lawn a day before receiving a notice from the borough to:
"remove high grass/weeds"
(thank you to all of our neighbors for the help)
fritz and abbi blew one of the big fuses straight off the electric meter (memorial day weekend)
and successfully fixed it!!!!! with no injuries
(thanks al for the phone support)
roger (fritz's friend of over 20 years) started his 3 month stay with us to
help haul ass on projects
mama and papa cooke came for a visit and brought more "stuff"
our neighbor aaron garnder removed a whole bunch of dead limbs from our front trees (a quick little 2 hour project turmed into an 8 hour saturday- thanks again aaron!!!)
all demo work on the second floor is finished
we filled a 40 yard dumpster
(thank you papa cooke for the extra hands)
mama cooke helped organize and set up our kitchenette
and then fell through a whole in the floor and obtained the worst bruise i have seen in years (and yes she went to the doctor and she is ok)
roger stepped on a nail
roger got a tetanus shot
our loan application was completed and is awaiting the appraisal
fritz stepped on a nail
fritz got a tetanus shot
i dropped our camera and jammed the lens- (still waiting for repairs)
a whole bunch of family visited for the parade
we took a break and went canoing- fritz and abbi only flipped twice
roger framed the guest bedrooms
roger started drywall in the guest bedrooms
and right now they're up there working away
so below are pictures that i've tried to keep in order according to the list above
i don't have any recent pics to upload because of the jammed lens and we can't find the usb cable for our other camera
work with me people- we are living half way out of boxes
i'm not going to make any promises on when i'll get the next post up but i'll try to be better about it- AND THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!!!!
organized all of our "stuff" so we have a comfortable living space
remove all wood from the attic
(thanks again theresa and the dane for the help)
abbi got a tetanus shot
2 different very dumb birds got stuck inside our house
fritz finished the clean up and wiring in the basement
abbi mowed the lawn a day before receiving a notice from the borough to:
"remove high grass/weeds"
(thank you to all of our neighbors for the help)
fritz and abbi blew one of the big fuses straight off the electric meter (memorial day weekend)
and successfully fixed it!!!!! with no injuries
(thanks al for the phone support)
roger (fritz's friend of over 20 years) started his 3 month stay with us to
help haul ass on projects
mama and papa cooke came for a visit and brought more "stuff"
our neighbor aaron garnder removed a whole bunch of dead limbs from our front trees (a quick little 2 hour project turmed into an 8 hour saturday- thanks again aaron!!!)
all demo work on the second floor is finished
(thank you papa cooke for the extra hands)
mama cooke helped organize and set up our kitchenette
and then fell through a whole in the floor and obtained the worst bruise i have seen in years (and yes she went to the doctor and she is ok)
roger stepped on a nail
roger got a tetanus shot
our loan application was completed and is awaiting the appraisal
fritz stepped on a nail
fritz got a tetanus shot
i dropped our camera and jammed the lens- (still waiting for repairs)
a whole bunch of family visited for the parade
we took a break and went canoing- fritz and abbi only flipped twice
roger framed the guest bedrooms
roger started drywall in the guest bedrooms
and right now they're up there working away
so below are pictures that i've tried to keep in order according to the list above
i don't have any recent pics to upload because of the jammed lens and we can't find the usb cable for our other camera
work with me people- we are living half way out of boxes
i'm not going to make any promises on when i'll get the next post up but i'll try to be better about it- AND THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!!!!