yes- the magic cat is gone and the pics are way out of sequence but my flight's about to board so you'll have to make due- more to come sometime soon. (fingers crossed)
Roger will be framing out our front mud room doors in the next couple of days and we’ve decided to use two of the original doors from when the building was a school so it’s going to look amazing- can’t wait!!!!
So imagine 2 of these doors (pic left) with the transoms above framed out in the spot where the level is lying (middle pic).
What are we doing now? Trying to stay one step ahead of the drywallers, Glen Chaney and his crew are quick so we've got to clear out my studio and demo home base so they can start those rooms. My sisters Jen and Alli and my mom will be visiting next weekend to help out and then Roger will be leaving us the following week, on 9/27. So enough blogging- I've got to get back to work!